Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Suit of Pentacles- Pin Ups

Told you I was making good time on this deck. I think it's going pretty well. I think I should be able to knock out the suit of swords pretty fast here too. As I'm sure you've seen so far we have tried to make sure that the royalty of each suit has a theme- the cups were all holding drink, here we have women who are all working at various jobs. The swords royalty are all soldiers, or in some form of military uniform at least. I'm still working on wands. At the moment all the girls are dressed up in costumes, but it kinda blurs with the pents royalty, I'm not super thrilled with it. So I'm trying to come up with a better theme for wands, but I'm having a little trouble. Right now I'm leaning towards gambling girls, with dice or poker cards or whatever. You know, wands are passionate, and they're gonna be risk takers. Like gambling. I guess? It sorta makes sense. I don't know, I'm still messing with it. But I am also trying to make the royalty match traditional imagery. My pages have some form of communication, like cups was a waitress who brings drinks to people. here, pentacles page has a typewriter. You'll see the others. My knights are pictured with vehicles, since knights traditionally ride horses. I try to make my queens look very feminine, and the kings have been doing things that are a little more masculine, like drinking beer in the cups, and welding here. That's what I'm trying fr at least. Anyways, here's the pentacles!

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