Friday, October 5, 2018

The Producers Dominate Rose City ComiCon!

So, I would say that my first major con was a success. It was a great weekend full of amazing costumes, brief moments with a few of my favorite celebrities, way too expensive merch, massively overpriced alcohol, and a very important lesson.


Seriously. Are you stupid? That's not a rhetorical question, I really want an answer. Why did you think you could do that? Was your previous experience not traumatizing enough? You are now 0 for 2 on not destroying your feet at cons. Get a goddamn clue.

Now, to be fair these weren't quite as bad as Sailor Pluto's stiletto boots, but it was bad enough to finally drill it into my head. If a character wears heels, I absolutely must sacrifice accuracy for ability to survive. Unless I'm entering the costume contest, and even then, only wear heels for the contest itself.

So, we got to Portland late Thursday night, and basically just hung out in the hotel drinking beers and doing the last minute costume touches that needed done. It was pretty chill, until the moment Danny reached out to poke Matt in the side, Matt retaliated and Danny took a fucking dive over the office chair at the desk, solidly bruising his ribs that he then complained about the rest of the weekend. But nothing party-ending. 

Friday the con didn't open until 1, so we had a nice leisurely breakfast at a cute little local place, and then had all day to get in costume. It was pretty quiet there that day, but we all looked amazing.

Saturday I started off dressed as Princess Peach for the prejudging for the costume contest. It was a lot of fun wearing that costume, everyone recognized it, and I felt like a Disney princess in Disneyland because all the little kids recognized me and were so excited to see me. I loved that. It took quite a while to get into the building, it was much, much busier that day. By the time we got in I was running late for the prejudging and starting to worry. I sprinted there only to find that I probably had another hour wait for my turn in the prejudging. I started to do my anxiety thing looking at all the amazing costumes around me, feeling like I didn't belong, and on top of that, realizing it was nearly noon and there was no way I was going to have time to do this prejudging and get back to the hotel to change to Ulla and make it back in time for my David Tennant picture. So I ended up bailing on the contest. It was going to cause too many problems. Cari and I sprinted back to the hotel to change and after that I was kinda relieved that I wouldn't have to worry about changing again.

So, I agreed to let Cari and Dante (our Gay Hitler) join me in my David Tennant picture to help reduce costs, so the three of us got in line. I realized we could see through the gap in the curtain and just barely see David, so we took a dorky stalkery selfie. It was at this point I started to fangirl a little about what was about to happen, I'd been to busy running before to think about it. 

When we got in there David was just everything I thought he'd be. Sweet and charming and friendly. He was a bit taken aback by Dante's Hitler costume, even when we explained he was gay Hitler from the Producers, and we'd replaced all his swastikas with gay pride pins. His exact line was "but you are still dressed as a Nazi." But Dante cranked up the fabulous to 11 and David thought that was pretty good. I have a distinct memory of David's hand on my back and I'm very happy about that.

Shortly after that we had to get in line for our John Barrowman picture, who was the whole inspiration for the costume. We got in line and absolutely thrilled the people around us who recognized us when Dante burst into song. When it came to our turn, we were informed that we needed a second ticket to have this many people in the picture, which none of us were aware of. So I sprinted off to quickly buy a second ticket. That took long enough that everyone else went through and they ended up deciding not to worry about it so we didn't hold things up, so I sprinted back and we went in. John was thrilled by our costumes, of course he knew who we were right away. He said no one had ever done the Producers for him before. He was more than happy to wear the hat we brought for him, as long as there were no symbols on it, which of course there weren't. And he loved Dante's pins.

We got recognized more than I thought we would, mostly by people loudly singing Springtime for Hitler at us, which was pretty great. But there were tons of people who had no idea who we were. It was fun anyways. Cari had some pretty dramatic bad luck Saturday though, it seemed like everyone in the world was out to knock her drinks out of her hands. I lost count how many she had spilled, it was pretty bad, especially with how freaking expensive the alcohol was there. But afterwards when we left the con we went out to karaoke and had a great deal of fun.

Most of our time over the weekend was spent just wandering around looking at cool costumes, getting our picture taken, buying too much merch, and paying too much for wine and beer. I'm now going to wildly spam you with pictures of the cool stuff we saw.


I also encountered a darling little girl wearing the same Princess Peach dress I had been, but I had changed out of it by that point. She's not my kid, so I'm not going to post her picture, but she was a perfect darling little doll and my biggest regret is not having a picture of the two of us together in our matching dresses.

In the end I had a great time, spent just. So. Much. Money. And determined that maybe celebrity photo ops are too expensive for what you get. But I can't wait for my next one!

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