Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A quick note

 So, Vesemir isn't the king of wands. It felt wrong and it bothered me so much I had trouble falling asleep last night. Vesemir is the king of pentacles, and will be placed there, but Crach An Craite has been made the king of wands and I'm much happier about it. 

The internet says this is the artist: https://www.artstation.com/gawel but the image is no longer on the page. I believe that this art is one that was used for his leader card in the Witcher 3, which I was trying to avoid, but it's a good picture and honestly, Crach has the same problem as his son Hjalmar, just no art. So I went with it.

Anyways. I said I was done with the wands suit. 

The Witcher Wands Suit

 The wands suit is done!

Man, I fought with this suit. I'm trying very hard to balance including as many important characters as I can while also using my favorite pieces of art and all the while trying to associate things with tarot meanings. Which I realize is how ALL these decks work when I create them, but man, it's tiring. 

So, quick recap, for the wands I am using the Monsters faction banner and the Agile row icon for all wands cards. I add extra ability icons as I feel it's appropriate, not every card gets one, I just go with my gut. 

For all suits, Kings will get the Commander's Horn effect, Queens will get Morale Boost, Knights will get Muster and Pages will get Spy. Those are just the effects that seemed to match the royalty in my mind.

For my ace, I'm sure there's more significant sorceresses I could have put there than Sabrina, but look at all the firey wands energy she has there. And she's definitely about to unleash something big, if you know what happens here.

The 2 is Queen Meve from the Thronebreaker standalone Gwent game, also the queen that knighted Geralt, which does occur in that game interestingly enough. She was a great leader that refused to let her power be taken from her. While I'm not terribly interested in playing Thronebreaker for myself, I did see videos of all the story and I didn't want to just leave Meve out. 

Foltest for the three, another leader not afraid to strike out. And Priscilla in the 4, clearly celebrating with her music in a tavern. 

I like Kiera for the 5 because her whole story in the game is overcoming obstacles just to survive after the witch hunts that started in the second game. And Movran Vorhees for the 6 is sort of representing the pride of the whole Nilfgaardian empire, and their victories, because damn those guys did some damage whenever they invaded.

I wanted to use Hjalmar An Craite in the royalty here, but the poor guy suffers from a painful lack of art. There's a few things but nothing I super liked, except for his Gwent card that just shows his back, and I did not want the back of a character for a royalty card. So he got bumped to the 7 of wands, just so he's not missing, and Vesemir got added in. I'm not sad to have Vesemir in the royalty however. 

God, there's so many characters it feels almost wasteful to put a character like Vesemir in twice, which, based on his importance, is INSANE. 

Letho on the 8 is there because a: I couldn't ignore Letho, and b: He moves REAL FAST in this scene. Seriously. The opening scene of the second game is amazing.

I just love my 9 of wands, the Redanian soldier troll. He was such a hilarious little side quest, even if he's not really an important character or anything, I'm happy to have him there. He was determined to stay at his post no matter what! What a trooper. 

The 10 is just a lovely image of Geralt looking worn out, only natural, the life he leads.

My page is Angouleme from the books, she's spunky and firey and deserves recognition. Ciri as my reckless and bold knight, although if you look at the original art you'll see I had to mirror the image, the artist put Ciri's scar on the wrong side of her face and it would have driven me CRAZY. Saskia was always the only choice for the queen of wands. And then of course, Vesemir as the king.

Anyways, here's what I did, continuing to lean on the massive amount of Gwent art out there:

And here's the sources:

Ace. Unable to find the artist but it's from the Gwent standalone game

2. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/EVavJe

3. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oow1m

4. The internet says it was done by https://www.artstation.com/tokkunstudio but the image is no longer on the page

5. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xw1A2

6. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xLWKW

7. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/qNJ3D 

8. The internet says it's by https://www.artstation.com/lorenzomastroianni but the image is no longer on the page

9. https://www.deviantart.com/cg-zander/art/Redanian-patriot-631516298

10. https://www.deviantart.com/nikivaszi/art/Geralt-of-Rivia-618206461

Page. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OyyBzK

Knight. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/reBPG

Queen. https://www.deviantart.com/akreon/art/Saskia-Gwent-Card-683149847

King. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gyroe

Despite the struggles, I'm not mad about how it's going, I've got some pretty art and important characters. On to the next suit!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Wait, I'm still making tarot decks?

 The Witcher!

Now, for the record, I'm no bandwagoner. I bought The Witcher 3 for the PS4 a long time ago, when I first got my PS4, 2015-2016ish? And I was looking for RPGs for my new console. I played for a few hours, and died A LOT, and put the game down. But I was interested in the universe. 

So I dug up the books. This happened to be around the time we were visiting Stu's parents for Christmas so there was a decent amount of downtime for me to read, so I plowed right through the books, and loved them. I think this was like, 2017-2018 ish? I'm not 100% positive. But this renewed my desire to play the game. I was also now interested in The Witcher 1 and 2. 

I did some research. The Witcher 2 was easy enough, I could pick that up for Xbox 360. The Witcher 1 was a little less easy, it seemed to be exclusively a PC game. And the reviews were not encouraging, it seemed the gameplay had some issues. I did buy it on Steam, in a bundle deal with The Witcher 2, but I'm just not much of a PC gamer. I only have a laptop, and while it's totally possible to play games on it, and I've done it before, it's just not how I like to play games, I'm a console gamer. So I decided to find a youtube Let's Play of someone playing the game for the first one, and then play the others myself. 

For the record, this is my youtuber of choice, his name is Christopher Odd:


I watched him play the first game and enjoyed it immensely. Someday I might go back and try to play it myself, but we'll see.

Once that was done I fired up my Xbox copy of the Witcher 2. (Yes I know I bought it on Steam, but like I said, I'm a console gamer, if I can use a controller I will.) I scaled down the difficulty a bit cuz I'm a big ol' pansy and I was worried after the difficulty I'd faced in my previous attempt at The Witcher 3. But I had a great deal of fun with it, and I intend to go back to it someday on a higher difficulty. 

If you're familiar with the game, you know there's a very large choice you make at one point in the Witcher 2 that DRASTICALLY changes where the game goes. I looked at what choice Christopher Odd made and decided to make the opposite choice so I could watch his playthrough later just to see what all happens. It was a great game, I loved it.

So I then watched Christopher Odd's plays just for complete information. Also found that he'd played again and taken the alternate route so I could watch him play my route and see if anything was different, which was interesting. 

I did learn that it seemed the fact I had played on an easier difficulty than Christopher Odd meant that I had missed out on the depth of the gameplay, and even just some fun extra violence. As a result I was unwilling to try to play the Witcher 3 again on an easier difficulty, despite the solid ass kicking I'd gotten last time I'd tried to play the game. Hell, my little brother Corey had even made an attempt to play the game for me just so I could see the plot, but we never finished. So in the end I hoped that my experience with the Witcher 2 meant that I'd have a better grasp on how the game was supposed to work and went ahead and stuck with normal difficulty. And I managed!

Now, that's not to say I didn't die, and frequently. But I had a better idea how a witcher fights and how the mechanics of this game might work. And I finally grasped the mechanics and successfully became a witcher in full. I mastered the alchemy and the signs and the sword. And I proceeded to pour my WHOLE LIFE into the game. I explored every point of interest in the world, reveling in the joy of just exploring the world. I loved spending evenings crawling all around the countryside just to see what was out there. I played every inch of the game I could. And when I was done, I bought the DLC and played every inch of that game that I could. Toussaint rocked my world, I've never seen such a beautiful video game world. I've never actually had a video game stop me in my tracks to watch a sunrise, but this game did. Repeatedly.

I also spent HOURS playing Gwent. God I loved Gwent. It's such a simple card minigame, but I was fascinated by it.

Anyways. I could spend a great deal of time raving about my love of this game. And the way finishing it left a hole in my life I've been struggling to fill ever since. Skyrim was a shallow disappointment. Breath of the Wild worked beautifully but I became so obsessed with it that I dropped 200 hours into it inside a month and cleared it right the fuck out. Next up is Horizon Zero Dawn at my brother's recommendation and we'll see if that game fits in the Witcher shaped hole in my life. 

So OBVIOUSLY when the TV show happened, I was IN. I wasn't 100% sure about them casting the guy who played Superman in a bad Superman movie as Geralt, but the moment I saw him in action I was in love. I couldn't help it. He's perfect. And amazing. And BEAUTIFUL. I mean, HOT DAMN. 

I watched the show, I loved the show, I've watched the show repeatedly since then and eagerly await more while thinking I might reread the books. 

So there. I believe I've adequately described how I'm not JUST a horny fangirl, hot for Henry Cavill. I mean, I definitely am that, but I'm not ONLY that.

I mean.....

Did you SEE that bath scene? You can't really blame me. 

For the record though....

I'm not really hurting on either side, video game Geralt can GET IT.

Anyways. That's so not the point of this post.

(Side note: Isn't it a little tragic I felt the need to write all this out just so I don't get gatekeepered by some asshole accusing me of not being a real fan?)

THE POINT OF THIS POST is that The Witcher consumed my life and I found that I now needed a tarot deck in my beloved Witcher universe. However I wasn't right away in the mood for deck making and I hadn't struck quite the right inspiration for the look of the deck. I toyed with using the faction card frames from the standalone Gwent game but could only find a few that were open frames, I'd have had to spend a great deal of time erasing art from the frames so I could put whatever I liked in it, and it didn't look nice. So I sort of back-burnered the idea. I just worked on collecting art on my Witcher Pinterest board in the meantime.

I did decide I needed a physical Gwent deck however. It took a little searching, but I found this site:


Which gave me excellent files for every Gwent card in The Witcher 3. Including the DLC, which has another faction. Based on my previous experience self printing decks it was easy enough to upload the files and print them off. I also found a Gwent playmat design that I could print as well, so I now have a fully functional physical Gwent set. I have yet to play with it, I only have one friend who cares about the Witcher and knows how to play Gwent, but it will happen.

Time passed. I despaired at the filming delays of season two of The Witcher due to Covid. I continued to pin Witcher fanart and tried desperately to find a game I'd love that much.

And then, two nights ago, I found this:


That, my friends, is a complete template of the Witcher 3 Gwent cards. Not the Gwent standalone game, there's significant differences. (I watched Christopher Odd play a little of the standalone Gwent game and it didn't really interest me, I've been watching a video to get the plot, maybe someday I'll try playing it, but it doesn't super appeal to me because of how different it is from the game in The Witcher 3.)

That template has all the design elements of the cards from the Gwent game from the Witcher 3, the titles, the banners, the card powers and icons. Everything you would need to design your own unique Gwent cards in the style of The Witcher 3 Gwent. 

Or. To make a deck of tarot cards that look like Gwent cards. 

And there it was. That was it. That was the idea. That was my Witcher tarot deck. I would make my deck like Gwent cards, which was really my idea from the beginning, I just hadn't found a way to execute it that I liked.

That template was a godsend. Every icon was just a layer I could make visible or not in my photo editing software by clicking a checkmark, easy fucking peasy. And I was able to find the Gwent font in a simple google search, to make sure everything looked right.

The point of all this is that tonight I finished the major arcana of my Witcher Tarot, and I want to show it off!

Here we go:

Yes, I am aware there are two Lovers cards. I can't seem to choose between the two. I'll probably print both of them and then put one in my chaos deck I've been building.

For reference:

Close Combat (the sword icon) = Swords or Air

Ranged (The bow icon) = Cups or Water

Siege (The ballista icon) = Pentacles or Earth

Agile (sword and bow icon) = Wands or Fire

So for the major arcana the yellow icons represent the element that major arcana card is associated with. Those icons will also identify their suit, when I get to that. 

I'm also using the Skellige faction banner for major arcana, the Northern Realms will be Cups, the Scoia'Tael will be Pentacles, the Monsters will be Wands and the Nilfgaard will be Swords. As for the other icons, the card effect icons, for the major arcana I simply followed my intuition for which icon matched the card I was working on. I will do the same for the suits. although I will probably assign a particular effect to the royalty. I'll go into that when I post the suits. Once I've made the suits. 

I'm currently debating between two different card backs:

The first one is the one designed to go with the traditional neutral Witcher 3 Gwent cards, the second is cooler but comes from the standalone Gwent game. I'm not sure which I'll use yet, but I'm mulling it over. 

Also, yes, those images are downsized in hopes it won't take too long to load here on my blog. If you want to print your own set, as long as it's for PERSONAL USE ONLY, let me know and I'll share my full size files. Again, PERSONAL USE ONLY. I do not own ANY of this art, it's not mine or any other random person's art to sell. On that note, here's the art credits!

Back A: Official art
Major Arcana

21. Can't find the source, but a watermark says it's by lilac_and_goosberries

I had another small issue. The Gwent weather cards. The template included icons for them, but the icons covered the space where the numbers went, which I will need for every card. But it felt wrong to just exclude them, based on their importance in Gwent and the fact that my tarot deck looks like a Gwent deck. So I had the thought that maybe I could just add the weather cards in as bonus cards, and I loved that idea. My weather cards have slight alterations from the Gwent versions, and I'll tell you how I plan to read them in a tarot reading. 

(For credits, these are all official art.)

The world is too cold to move now. You are frozen in place and you risk hurting yourself if you struggle. It may be better to seek shelter and warmth rather than fighting against the weather now.

The sun is shining and all is well, enjoy the pleasant weather while it lasts, you never know when clouds will roll in.

It is time to rally the troops! Draw up your courage and your strength, call in your allies and fortify your defenses, be strong!

Things are not as they seem. You are distracted by something that seems like the real problem, but it's just a distraction. Alternatively, take some time to practice on smaller issues, rather than tackling the big one right away. Practice makes perfect.

You are lost and confused, the path in front of you is obscured and you are blind. If you charge forward you risk becoming more lost.

Life is all about change. Even when it seems like something is ending, it's just continuing the cycle. Life comes from death. New growth always springs from what was left behind, nature moves on.

Clear out. Something is not working for you and it's time to remove it from your life completely. Sometimes you need to clear the clutter that's there to allow new growth. Burn it to the ground to clear your space for new things.

Storms are raging all around you, but you've been here before. You know how to navigate the storms, you'll come through all right.  

The rain is pouring, it's slowing you down and making everything difficult. The ground is muddy and everything is damp. But rain also brings life, plants need water for life. Push through, and don't allow yourself to drown in the floods. Rain can't last forever. 

Those are just my initial ideas, based on my intuition. I'll write out something better when I have time to sit and think about it. 

I'm mostly focusing on video game art, since the TV show isn't done yet, I don't want to dig too deep into the show and have it feel incomplete because of future important TV things. Although you can see I did include TV Calanthe in the Judgement card, but that's just cuz Calanthe is LITERALLY not present in the video games. And if they ever make a Witcher 4 I'm screwed anyways. (The same thing happened with my Final Fantasy deck that doesn't include FF15 and my Zelda deck that doesn't include Breath of the Wild. This is the risk I take.) 

I'm also avoiding using the art for characters used in the Witcher 3 Gwent game, although I'm relying heavily on the Gwent art from the standalone game. I gotta say, designing a deck of cards in a universe that includes and EXTENSIVE card game is definitely making my life easier. 

I'm loving making these cards and I'm so pleased with how it's gone so far. 

Stay tuned for the suits!

Friday, June 4, 2021

More Chaos!

 So I have continued to work on my chaos deck. 

One of my trades showed up with the cards inside a cute greeting card with a wolf on it, and I was so pleased by it that I decided to turn it into a tarot card. All I did was glue the card shut, trim it down to tarot size and add some contact paper for a back.

His name is Happy Wuffie and he is a reminder to find happiness in your connection to nature and how important it is to do that. I love him.

Shortly after this in my Alley group someone posted a video of them making tarot cards out of book pages which was exactly as simple as making my Wuffie had been. I immediately knew I was in trouble. 

That next Sunday afternoon while Stu had a nap I went to the thrift store and bought myself a decent stack of art books and children's books and greeting cards. I even found a "Natural Momma's Affirmation Deck" that I thought might be an oracle deck, turned out to just be cards about being positive about your pregnancy with facts on the back of the cards. Useless as a deck, perfect as cardstock bases for the massive number of cards I was about to make.

After that I went through all my books and picked out the art I liked. There was an airbrush art book that had a LOT of good stuff, and an impressionist painting book that was cool, plus some Little Mermaid and Catwings and various fairytale books that gave me some great art. I had some spray adhesive, I'd spray the art, glue to half a greeting card, cut out, add a back and then trim to tarot size.

For the backs I used some contact paper, but I also picked up a decent amount of Cricut vinyl, since that's my preferred material for card backs, self adhesive, sturdy, flexible and thin. I would just match the card art to the back and stick it on. I did have to do it carefully, I would lift the backing up just a little across the top, line the card up with the top and press just the top down to attach it, then I could slowly peel the backing off and press it onto the card as I worked my way down to make sure there were no bubbles or wrinkles. 

To avoid wasting vinyl I would cut the card close to tarot sized before adding it, and then do the final trimming and shaping once it was backed so everything matched perfectly. I just used my guillotine paper cutter and my corner punch from my deck trimming projects for this, it was pretty easy.

I immediately got into a rhythm and just churned out card after card after card. It was the perfect crafting satisfaction project, since each card was satisfying and it only took a few minutes to do one.

(Ignore the cards on the bottom row of the last picture, those were leftovers of the oracle deck, these were the pictures I used for posting trades.)

And this isn't even close to all of them. I counted, and in the end I made about 72 cards. Which does tell me I could easily make a whole deck by hand for myself. 

AND that isn't even as many as I planned to make, I have a whole stack of art glued to cut up greeting cards that didn't finish the process because I basically decided I'd had enough of card making for the moment. I'll probably go back to those later.

I realized that this would be too many cards for my chaos deck, so I decided I would keep my favorites and use the rest for trades. Which ended up being wildly successful, people loved my cards and the trading frenzy was exhilarating and exhausting. But I'm very close to having at least one version of all the cards for my chaos deck, and if I don't get it in trades I'll just make a few more cards to fill any empty slots.

And of course, in the process of all this, I needed somewhere to store all these cards. And the deck would need a deck box. In the thrift store run among the greeting cards I had picked up a sturdy cardboard box that had once held a fancy set of nice Van Gogh greeting cards that I was using for storage.

It's a nice little box, thick cardboard, magnet at the front to hold it closed. However, it was pretty torn up on the corners, and I was very, very rapidly filling it up with my chaos deck. I checked with some spare cards roughly guessing how many I had in the mail still that hadn't arrived and I thought it MIGHT be possible they'd all fit, but ONLY if they were very thin, and that was unlikely. Being as the design of the box was a little pastel for my taste anyways, this box was gonna get a major overhaul.

So I knew I wanted to make it taller so it would hold more cards. I figured I could just add some wooden strips to the lid to make it thicker, I was planning to add a clasp and hinges as well. 

I apologize for the lack of in progress pictures, it just wasn't really complicated enough that I felt like I needed to. 

First off, I removed the lid. It was just held on by paper on the front and back, so that was just the work of the slice of an exacto knife. 

For the additions, I had some thin craft wood that I had to glue two layers together to make it thick enough to match the box, and then I just cut the pieces to size on my table saw, measuring to match the dimensions of the box lid. I made them about as wide as my yardstick, I figured that would be enough space. Then I just glued them on. 

I was SO pleased with how well I sized these, they fit EXACTLY to the lid and each other.

I also constructed a heavy carboard inner box thing for the bottom half to hold more cards without them sliding out when I opened the box.

This was just heavy cardboard I cut to fit inside the box and extend upwards a bit. The painter's tape was just to hold it together, but I ended up leaving it on and just covering it, it would have complicated assembly if the pieces didn't hold together. 

The PERFECT fit of the lid over this inner box just gave me goosebumps. My precise fit was honestly a thing of beauty. 

Next up was covering everything in pretty paper, obviously this bare wood, bare cardboard, painter's tape and torn printed paper wasn't a good look.

I started with the inside, using a dark splotchy patterned paper. I have a preference for dark interiors for boxes.

This was just a very careful, precise, tedious process of very carefully trimmed and glued in paper. It was not super difficult, just required going very slowly and being precise. More perfect fitting. 

Next up was the outside. I had a nice worn brick printed paper that I used for that, and I planned to add a clasp and hinges, like I said, and I also decided I wanted some nice metal corner protectors on the lid, and feet for the bottom. Found all that at the craft store.

So I covered the outside of the boxes, gave them a coat of mod podge and then added the hardware. 

In the end, I got this:

I love the way it turned out. The worn brick paper has a perfect Alleyman look, and the hardware matches perfectly. I added glue to all the hardware before screwing it in just because I wasn't 100% positive the screws were secure being screwed mostly into cardboard. 

I thought I would add more embellishment to it but I cannot come up with anything I want to add to it. I could maybe see myself adding stickers in a chaotic way if I found stickers I thought felt right. But that's the kind of thing I would add organically as I found them. I think it's good as it is for now. It's a teensy bit tough to open and close with how snugly the lid fits over the inner box but it works just fine. And now I have space for plenty of cards for my chaos deck in my lovely chaos box.