Monday, April 15, 2019

Chomping in Seattle

As you can see, our con costumes turned out great. I'm afraid I don't have a lot of progress pictures, I didn't take many. This costume ended up being weirdly stressful, every time I went to work on it something went wrong and it took way longer than it should have. It was just a circle skirt and a corset, really, but it just went on and on.

I made two different styles of chain chomp earrings out of polymer clay, there's a pair of each of them and I ended up wearing one of each, because I liked the one clipped to my cartilage piercing.

The manacles are just EVA foam and plastic chain bought from Home Depot and spray painted.

Lots of dark makeup and bruising, of course. My gloves had fingers the first day, and they made me completely insane, so I just cut them off the second day. The skirt, corset, gloves, and hip poofs are all edged in teeth I made by folding squares of ribbon into triangles, I made something like 200 of them for this costume. It was insane. 

We also got as many pictures as we could with any Mario characters we could find.

I also totally found another chain chomp!

This guy was probably my favorite though. He's Phoenix Wright from the Apollo Justice series! I was so excited when I saw him I hugged him like a total creeper. Probably made his day though, he said no one else had recognized him. It was so great.

More importantly, this:

Is me with one of my all time favorite authors, Robin Hobb.

If you haven't read anything by her, be ashamed of yourself. Then go read:

She's amazing. And I was so excited when I realized she was going to be there. She was leaving the table as I got there, so I barely managed to get this picture, and I didn't get anything signed. But I was super excited about this. I got all shaky and fangirly and complimented her books a lot, and then dropped my phone and loudly said "SHIT!" right in front of her. So, that happened.

I had a great deal of fun, although I did miss the ability to drink on the floor like we had at Portland. We played a few different games, counting drinks for later if you got recognized, we also each picked a character and counted how many of them we saw, and at the end of the day the winner got to chug a beer or something. The rules were loosely defined. I kicked ass day 2 by picking Wonder Woman, though. :D  All in all I think Portland was more fun, but I'm still glad I went. And I plan to make that skirt and corset just fun party clothes for me, so I'll get more use out of it. I absolutely fell in love with that fabric, it was so pretty, and I definitely still want to wear it.

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