Thursday, May 28, 2020


So, my daughter likes to do the same things I do, quite frequently. Any hobby of mine she at least takes a crack at it, she really loves doing things with me and doing the things I'm doing. It's really kinda cute, especially since she's 14 and I kinda love the fact that my teenage daughter thinks I'm cool enough to hang out with and do things with.

So of course she took a shot at reading tarot. I bought her a mini deck with cats on it and she tried a few readings but it just didn't really catch with her. So a few weeks ago I was going through my deck collection and reorganizing because I got a few new ones (I have a serious problem you guys. But I won't stop.) and she found my set of tiger's eye runes. Tiger's eye has always been a special stone for me. Initially it was just because it was pretty, but then I learned about it's meaning for grounding and courage and wealth and it just felt so good to me. I have jewelry and a pendulum and just tumbled stones so of course my rune set is tiger's eye.

Anyways, that's not really the point. She started playing with my runes and it just clicked. She started studying the meanings and writing out her own definitions and practicing readings and she just loved it. She literally spent hours just studying the meanings. It was amazing. She immediately made her own set of runes using the glass stones you can get from the dollar store for filling vases or whatever other crafts. She covered them with thin layers of polymer clay in pink and purple and silver she blended up and swirled, and then painted the runes after they were baked. She just adored them. I also ordered her a set of aquamarine runestones since that's her birthstone and she was so into it.

While we were waiting for them to ship, we decided we wanted to make our own sets out of wood. She wanted more runes and I loved the idea of having a set that I had crafted by hand.

So, due to the current pandemic we've obviously been spending a lot of time at home, and that starts to make everyone a little stir crazy. So we started going for walks around the apartment complex, just exploring the canal and train tracks behind the complex, reminding me of when I used to explore train tracks in the neighborhood I grew up in.

It was  a lot of fun.

And while we were out, we found a pile of cut up branches that appeared to be from some kind of fruit tree.

Shannon and I decided to do two different style of runes. She did vertical lengths of a branch, dremeling out a patch on the side where she burned the runes onto the side. I picked a thicker branch that I cut into coins and burned the runes into the surface.

Due to a lack of tools the pieces had to be cut with a hacksaw, which was much harder than I thought it would be. While Shannon dremeled I sanded my little disks then we took turns wood burning. After a few coats of a matte spray paint, we each had beautiful completely handcrafted runes.

I love them. It's so cool to have a divination tool that I made completely myself. Collected while spending time with my daughter.

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