Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Oh yeah, I used to make costumes...

 So, I haven't wanted to do much lately. And by lately I think it's been like a year since my last really big project. Less if you count the Thrifted Tarot, I suppose, but by big I mean like Battleshots or Xena. There's many reasons, mental health hasn't been amazing, I gained a bunch of weight so I didn't really want to make costumes for my body, you know, all that stuff. But I have done a few things, I'm never completely un-crafty. 

I didn't post about it because it was so simple, but I did make a costume last Halloween, I did Sarah from the Labyrinth:

I didn't feel like making a post at the time because it was really a simple costume, although I did buy fabric three times for the vest to get something I thought was close enough. Making a vest and a puffy sleeved shirt is something I can do in my sleep, and the bracelet and brooch were pretty easy as well. Honestly the hardest part was getting my bangs to stay swooped to one side, and to try and get my makeup to look like fresh faced sixteen year old Jennifer Connely, haha. 

I also made the vest and shirt for my friend Sarah who was the Goblin King for me, it was fun, but hardly something I needed to document every step of, I just followed a pattern, and the jewelry was just lucky finds at the craft store that I put together. Nothing fancy, but I liked how it turned out, plus I was really comfortable. 


I've decided it's time to stop feeling bad about myself and not doing the things I like and just go ahead and dress up if I want to dress up. 

As a combination my/Stu's birthday party this year Cari is having a pirate themed party (It's a joke about shitty Carlo Rossi wine and pilot sounding like pirate, I honestly don't remember the joke, but I love an excuse to dress up and drink.) and I LOVE dressing as a pirate. I was a pirate at the Halloween party Stu and I met at, of which I still have most of that costume, PLUS I have a killer Captain Hook costume, so I have options. Easy, right? 


OBVIOUSLY I'm going to make a new pirate costume, don't be stupid.

So, in lieu of crafting over the last little while I've been playing video games. After I beat the Witcher 3 and fell so deeply in love with it, I started searching out more games like that and I've been working my way through them. I've played Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Greedfall, Fable, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Which accidentally made me an Assassin's Creed fan, we will be playing more of those) and most importantly, Dragon Age.

Ohhhhhhh my godddddddddd, Dragon Age. I don't believe I have ever been so mentally and emotionally destroyed by a game series. (Sure Ghost of Tsushima made me ugly sob TWICE, and I absolutely adored Horizon Zero Dawn, to the point that I'm going to make a tarot deck once I've played the sequel, but I didn't hit NEARLY the same obsessive levels.) I got so obsessed with that series I couldn't think about anything else for WEEKS. I was perfectly willing to replay HOURS of gameplay to change choices I made to get better outcomes, and I just devoured the whole series.

I read fanfiction of the third game, for god's sake. I've never gone that deep before.

And in the second game, there just happens to be a sexy, sassy pirate captain who I fell wildly in love with, Isabela.

She's spectacular.

I briefly considered doing Anne Bonny from Black Flag:

Cuz she's pretty damn fantastic too, and I'd played Assassin's Creed more recently, but in the end, the Dragon Age series had more of an impact on me, and honestly, there's no beating the fact that I don't have to wear a wig as Isabela. My hair is a bit too long, and I have bangs, but the bangs can be pinned up under the bandana and the color is close enough, if I curl it it'll be shorter and have more body.

I'm very excited to have a new project, it's been a while. I'm in the process of getting this started, I'll be back with specifics on the costume!

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