Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Steampunk Excursion!

So, I agreed to escort Amanda to Beerfest today.  Since I don't like beer, I make an excellent designated driver for this kind of thing.  And, kind of out of nowhere, Amanda and I decided to dress steampunk for it.

So, I’ve been creative lately. I’ve been playing around with steampunk and have made some things. Me (the tall one) and my sister in law (the shorter one) all dressed up. I altered the black shirt and skirt Amanda’s wearing, made the jewelry and the gloves we’re both wearing. She made her own hair clip. I decorated my hat, and Amanda helped. I also made the skirt I’m wearing, the little belt with the pouches, and, my by far proudest achievement, the corset I’m wearing. Corsets are hard to make but very satisfying. 

I'm very proud of the steampunk things I've made so far. The corset turned out really good, and fits perfectly.  My sewing machine hates me, though.  It did not like that thick fabric.  In reference to my first steampunk post, here's what you see here: 

The hat and sunglasses are from the Amazon set I bought.  I decorated the hat, and Amanda added the chains on the side.  You can't really see them. I'm gonna get a better pic of the hat soon.  The necklace came from my general jewelry supplies.  The corset is the one that used to be a suitcase and a duffle bag.  You've seen the belt and watch already.  And the gloves. Both sets of gloves were made from my pattern.  The skirt is from the curtains I bought from Goodwill, trimmed with the lace I painstakingly picked from the yellow dress.

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